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Europe’s leading conference on digital transformation in Maintenance and Asset Management

Learn how to improve equipment reliability and cost performance while enhancing resilience and sustainability. The conference brings together professionals from across Europe to exchange knowledge, share experiences, and showcase innovations that address today’s most pressing economic and sustainability challenges.

NEXT EDITION: 4 & 5 NOVEMBER 2025 in Antwerp, Belgium


Become a sponsor in 2025

Do you want to showcase your company at Asset Performance 2024?
Contact us on to discuss all possibilities to collaborate.


Call for Speakers

Do you want to share your expertise at the 2025 edition? Submit your proposals now.


Conference & Online library

Asset Performance focuses on digital transformation and human-centric improvements to operations, maintenance and asset management.

"Good presentations from a broad cross section of various industries.
No commercial offerings but focus on high quality content."

Marketing Manager, SKF

"This platform bundles knowledge about ways to optimise machine availability and reliability. This is exactly what maintenance managers are judged on. Automated machine learning is the key to this success. It is necessary to obtain the right information, at the right level, within a network of people with similar challenges.
So I can only recommend being there!"

Marketing Manager, SKF


"I liked the cases in factories, which gave a good view on the reality and the overview of where other factories are."

"Asset Performance is the only event in Europe with a focus on
digitisation in Maintenance and Asset Management in industry 5.0"

Wim Vancauwenberghe, Asset Performance Conference Director

"As an exhibitor, the audience was the right one
(reliability engineers, maintenance managers, digitisation manager, ...)"

"Asset Performance is one of the main drivers to produce good quality bakery products at La Lorraine Bakery Group. Every hour of the day our technical service teams are doing everything to make this happening. If the equipment is able to perform its function, only then our specialist can transfer the raw materials in our fantastic products."

Group Technical Services, La Lorraine Bakery Group

"Very inspiring talks and great speakers that are working on the cutting edge
of the technology in the field of maintenance and predictive analytics."

"Participants can expect qualitative and interactive content
that will undoubtedly provide more insight into the maintenance of the future."

Diamond Sponsor I-care

"Subjects were various (maintenance, energy, ...) with practical cases samples and experienced speakers."

"Through digitalisation BASF Antwerp strenghtens its leading position in the chemical sector. A group wide program implements new innovative digital technologies in all phases of the asset life cycle. We believe smart maintenance processes are an integral part of our DNA."

Industrial IT Manager, BASF

With thanks to our 2024 sponsors

Contact Sophie on for the sponsorship possibilities